Webinar on Planetary Health: Understanding and Contributing to a Sustainable Oncology Pharmacy Practice

ISOPP Educational Webinar

Webinar on Planetary Health: Understanding and Contributing to a Sustainable Oncology Pharmacy Practice

Thursday, October 26, 2023, 8am to 9am PDT
Presented by:  Shellyza Sajwani and Gigi Wong, Canada
Moderator:  Himanshu Patel, ISOPP Education Committee Chair

In one hour, Shellyza and Gigi will provide an overview of the oncology pharmacist's role and responsibility in planetary health. Ways to modify practice and services for enhanced environmental impact will be covered.

Session 1: Shellyza Sajwani, PharmD

Shellyza Sajwani completed her Masters of Pharmacy at Aston University in 2010 and her PharmD at the University of Toronto in 2018, and identifies as a clinical pharmacist specialized in oncology, global health and climate change.
She completed a climate and health certification from Yale University and a global health delivery intensive program from Harvard University, representing one of the only pharmacists in each of the two cohorts.  She currently serves as the national co-chair of the new Canadian Association of Pharmacy for the Environment (CAPhE) , and also works with the International Federation of Pharmacists as co-chair of their environmental sustainability initiative policy committee. 
She is also the Chair of the Ottawa Hospital Pharmacy Environmental Committee, and has experience working as the previous co-president of Pharmacists Without Borders Canada, and as a current oncology and palliative care pharmacist at the Ottawa Hospital.

Session 2: Gigi Wong, PharmD
Gigi is a pharmacist who strives to increase pharmacy stewardship for planetary health, to inspire action to sustainable practices. Gigi remembers that she was traumatized by the waste she observed during a hospital rotation as a student pharmacist. In particular, Gigi focuses on increasing awareness of how pharmaceuticals enter the environment, such as through improper disposal or by way of the sewage system after human consumption, and the impact this has on our waterways and wildlife. Over the years, Gigi has dedicated her time to endeavours to serve this cause. 
Gigi completed her pharmacy studies at the University of Toronto, her hospital residency at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton Ontario, and her Masters of Public Health at the University of British Columbia. Her current role is as the Clinical Pharmacy Specialist for Quality with Lower Mainland Pharmacy Services (LMPS), that encompasses four local health authorities that covers most of the Greater Vancouver Area. Her main project focuses on safe sterile drugs, and is of considerable scope and depth, impacting 25 hospital pharmacies.

View the full webinar description and objectives here.

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