COVID-19 and Cancer Care resources:




 COVID-19 resources from National Comprehensive Cancer Network  Offers recommendations on the provision of cancer care for a range of different cancer sites and supportive care areas.
 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Coronavirus Resources  Covers a wide range of topics, including modifications to patient care, service provision, resource allocation and occupational safety during the COVID-19 pandemic in an FAQ format.
 Emergency Resources: COVID-19 from Society of Critical Care Medicine  Comprises a rapid resource centre with FAQs relevant to the provision of patient care and services in critical care.
 Resources from American Society of Health-System Pharmacists  Provides a summary table on evidence related to COVID-19 treatments and updates on the current status of pharmacy supplies in the United States.
 Information and resources from Canadian Pharmacists Association  Contains a wide range of resources on topics ranging from occupational safety, potential COVID-19 treatments, pharmacotherapy issues among COVID-19 patients and the management of drug shortages. Educational materials for healthcare professionals and the public are available.
 Pharmacists’ guide to Corona Virus, American Pharmacist Association  Provides a summary page of practical information that pharmacists should know during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also contains links to CDC guidance documents and PubMed search results for the latest COVID-19 literature.
 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)  Summarises rapid guidelines and evidence summaries on COVID-19 treatments and patient care (including cancer patients) during the pandemic.
 Resources for cancer patients; Seattle Cancer Care Alliance  Offers guidance and workflows for patient screening/testing, provider communication, personal protective equipment and telehealth.
 Clinical evidences summaries from Ministry of Health, Singapore  Consists of clinical evidence summaries by the Ministry of Health, Singapore on potential COVID-19 treatments.
 COVID-19 resources from Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore, Singapore  A resource library for patient education material, sharing of experience from experts and updates on research related to COVID-19.
 COVID-19 resources from CADTH  Offers a comprehensive COVID-19 evidence bundle that provides evidence summaries on COVID-19 prevention, infection control, screening/testing and treatment.
 COVID-19 resources from British Oncology Pharmacy Association (BOPA)    Provides a range of links and resources on how to manage patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
 COVID-19 Information for health professionals in cancer care, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, Canada  



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